Table of Contents
What is a tattoo consent form?
A tattoo consent form protects a tattoo artist or piercer from liability in case unforeseen accident occur during a procedure. For adults, it can be used to inform them about the process and any adverse side effects. In case of minors, this form makes sure parents have consented to the procedure. Furthermore, the form should contain all the description of the process being done, any risks, side-effects, aftercare, and other important details that you have to make clear before a procedure. For tattooing and piercing, separate forms are used generally. You may also like grandparents medical consent form.What to include in a tattoo consent form?
The health risks that are associated with both tattooing and piercing, the tattoo consent form should provide all information to patron about them. When patron understands and agrees, you have to sign the consent form. There are various sections that the patron will have to initial and sign. There should also be a release and wave section for the patron to sign. Tis releases the tattooer and the studio from liability if any injury or other damage happens to the person as a result of having the procedure done. In addition, patrons should sign off to state that they were able to ask questions and the information provided was appropriate and understandable as well as aftercare instructions. Lastly, the patron should sign off on a section by stating that;- they haven’t taken any drugs or alcohol,
- they are not on any medication,
- they have not any conditions that could interfere with the procedure
- they are freely and willingly providing consent to having the tattoo/piercing
Tattoo and Body Piercing Consent Form
Piercing Consent Release Form
Parental Consent Form for a Tattoo
Minor Child Piercing Consent Form
Consent Form for Tattoo on a Minor
Adult Piercing Consent Form
Laws for each state:
Every states have their own laws regarding some aspects of body art. Without parental consent, 45 states prohibit tattooing minors. And, 38 bans piercing and tattooing a minor without parental consent. The only state Nevada has no laws regarding body art. The state Maryland has rules that are quite limited. You should also check surgical consent form. Here are the states that require written informed consent for minors;- Alabama
- Kentucky
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- Utah
- Vermont
- West Virginia
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Idaho – no individual under 14 is allowed to be tattooed
- Arizona
- Montana
- South Dakota
- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Alaska
- California
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Washington D.C
- Iowa
- Maine – tattoo no, piercing yes
- Mississippi
- New York
- North Carolina
- South Carolina (no one under the age of 21 is allowed for tattooing, in some case 8-year-olds may with parental consent).
- Texas