Free Paragraph Writing Templates & Examples (PDF)

A paragraph writing template is an effective tool for students that help them in writing a paragraph. With the help of a template, they can determine the components of a paragraph and their sequence and order.

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph discusses a central topic and usually consists of at least three to five sentences. An effective paragraph always starts with the topic sentence. Maintaining a consistent flow of ideas throughout the sentences is another key thing about effective paragraphs. Typically, a paragraph contains three parts;

  • The topic sentence
  • The supporting sentence
  • The concluding sentence

Writing an effective paragraph:

Consider the following tips to write an effective paragraph;

Possesses unity

Your paragraph should possess unity at the very start. For this, you should ensure that it starts with a topic sentence. In the first sentence of the paragraph, there is always this single central idea. In order to support the central idea of the entire paragraph, the rest of the sentences must be consistent. Furthermore, you have to think about the central theme if you want to write a unified paragraph.

Be in order

You have to organize your supporting sentences effectively to make your paragraph in order. Having a definite and clear organization is the sign of an effective and solid paragraph. You can put your sentences in order in various ways;

  • In chronological order
  • Patterned through an order of importance
  • Other logical presentation

Be coherent

You have to ensure that you have written a coherent paragraph in order to make your paragraph understandable for all kinds of readers. Coherence makes your paragraph understandable for people who aren’t wide readers. Moreover, the sentences you are writing must connect with each other. Make use of transitional words or phrases to achieve a coherent paragraph. This assists you in making solid bridges from a sentence to the sentences that come after it. Some examples of transitional words are;

  • First, second, and third (for the chronological order of things)
  • Above and below (for the spatial relationship of things)
  • Furthermore, in addition, and in fact (indicate logic)

Basic Paragraph Example

basic paragraph example
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Paragraph Academic Writing

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Step-By-Step How to Write a Good Paragraph

step by step how to write a good paragraph
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Writing Frame Paragraphs

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Writing Paragraphs with Effective Structures

writing paragraphs with effective structures
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Dos of paragraph writing:

  • In your paragraph, you must have a topic sentence that provides clarity and coherent flow to the paragraph. This helps in clarifying the central idea of the paragraph to all readers.
  • To support the topic sentence or the central theme of the whole write-up, you should add relevant information.
  • Use examples to make your entire paragraph more convincing and relevant.
  • Mention a concluding statement to end your paragraph. This statement summarizes your supporting points.
  • It would be recommended to research beforehand the topic you were given to make strong and solid arguments.
  • Try to write as simple as you can and don’t use confusing words.
  • It might not be pleasing to your readers to keep your sentences always precise.
  • Throughout your paragraph maintain a consistent tense.
  • Proofreading always works so don’t forget to proofread your paragraph.

Don’ts of paragraph writing:

  • Never include unnecessary information that may confuse your readers.
  • In your concluding sentence, don’t add or introduce additional information.
  • If you discuss more than one idea in your paragraph, this may cause confusion among your readers. Your paragraph must maintain a single idea all throughout.
  • Keep your sentences shorter, don’t make them extra long.
  • Since it is a formal paper so don’t use any of the first person pronouns such as I, we, me, us, my, and our.
  • Don’t use contractions because it makes your simple topic professional.
  • Avoid using the phrase ‘In conclusion’ while concluding your entire paragraph.
  • You can’t make your paragraph effective and convincing to your readers if you use vague and cliché terms so avoid them.

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